Unicorns Unite! How Nonprofits and Foundations can Build EPIC Partnerships

One of my favorite bloggers, Vu Le, along with Jessamyn Shams-Lau and Jane Leu (who are also pretty awesome!) have written a new book, Unicorns Unite.  Just based on the illustrations alone, I already love this book!! Get a preview of the book via this Medium blog post.

Basically they diagnose why and how nonprofits and grantmakers relate in dysfunctional ways (which I try to address and counteract via my checklist of recommendations for incorporating DEI in grantmaking) — it really boils down to power dynamics, lack of trust, and double standards. They then propose a framework for creating healthy dynamics to achieve the greatest good. This is the EPIC Partnership Framework:

E = Equally value all inputs, especially time and money. Partners do not allow any input to eclipse all others in importance, power, or prestige.

P = Prioritize needs of those we serve. Nonprofits put needs of clients, communities, and change first. Foundations put needs of nonprofits and communities first.

I = Increase trust and empathy. Partners identify as peers, trusted colleagues, teammates, and equals who learn from and challenge each other and the field to excel.

C = Commit to big, bold, and better. Partners think big, act boldly, and produce better results — through all-in teamwork.

Buy this book!!!!